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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Gathering

by Kelley Armstrong

Those who know me well know that I'm a huge fan of Kelley Armstrong's "Otherworld" series.  Since I'm all caught up and awaiting the next volume (impatiently I might add), I was intrigued by her new series The Gathering.  Like her "Otherworld" books, this one also involves the supernatural though less overtly so.

The book opens in a really off-the-beaten path and somewhat secretive village in Canada.  There, a whole town exists to serve a corporation run by the St. Clouds.  No one is exactly sure what is going on within the compound but all the families work at their medical research facility.  They were brought there for various reasons.  Mainly to serve the needs of the company.  Each family was given a home and their kids are given the best of the best in regards to everything.  But things are not what they seem in this town.  There is a mystery afoot right from the get go and it only gets more and more mysterious as time goes on.

Maya is our protagonist.  She's an adopted child with Native American roots.  She doesn't know much about her history or who her real parents are.  One of her most unique characteristics is a pawprint-shaped birthmark on her hip.  Of the other kids in the town, she's closest to Daniel.  But soon, another boy takes serious interest in Maya: Rafe.  He's known as a player and a bad boy.  At first, she's not interested in him at all.  But soon, she finds herself falling for him and it turns out he knows more about her than she does. . .

This book is written for older teens so it's not quite as in-depth or grisly as Armstrong's other books.  The characters are well-written and believable and the book flows smoothly.  I found myself not surprised by some of the developments as the story went on but that didn't detract from my enjoyment of the work.  Fans of the "Otherworld" series will note some crossover in this book and be excited to see how that pans out in the future.

While this book wasn't the page-turner I have found her other works to be, I still had some difficulty putting it down.  I found myself saying "Just one more chapter. . ." a few too many times.  ;)  While the ending did leave me wanting more, I didn't feel like I was on pins and needles awaiting the next volume.  The book simply ends like the next chapter was left off of it.  No serious cliffhangers.  No glaring mystery still left to solve (aside from the ones pervading the entire book).

I certainly enjoyed this book and it was a nice holdover while I await the next book in the "Otherworld" series.  I'm also really looking forward to reading the other books in this new series as soon as they come out.

I would give this book 4 out of 5 wheeks.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me

by Chelsea Handler (and friends)

       I bet some of you have thought you pulled off amazing pranks on unsuspecting friends. Oil on the floor to watch them slip and fall, telling them swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon will taste amazing, or that 3D movie glasses will be ruined in the regular light of the movie theater. Let me tell you now, you cannot begin to hold a candle to Chelsea Handler's pranks.
    "Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me" is written by Chelsea's family, friends, and co-workers, infused with a little bit of Chelsea's own writings. They each write their own chapter describing the pranks and comedic onslaught Chelsea has unleashed on them throughout their time knowing her. From very public emails, to prank phone calls, fake pregnancies, ridiculous lies, and nonexistent floods in hotels. You will absolutely marvel at the woven stories and lies Chelsea is able to pull over on unsuspecting victims. Many of her friends and family know that Chelsea loves to prank others, however she is still able to make them look foolish. That takes pure skill. This book is a quick read and it will make you laugh.
     This book is hilarious and I loved the different perspectives all describing the elaborate ways they were all embarrassed by Chelsea. She is obviously brilliant at her craft (making people look dumb) whether it is on her show or behind the scenes. She is so clever in her execution of the practical jokes. I especially love how her friends and colleagues just go along with the pranks without knowing about them ahead of time. If you enjoy Chelsea Handler this book will not disappoint you. It is a very amusing look at her personality outside of the show, when she is surrounded by her family, friends, and coworkers.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Up Next: A Cup of Tea by Amy Ephron

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


by Suzanne Collins

  While many think that the The Hunger Games trilogy is a love triangle between Katniss and the boys that love her (Gale and Peeta), that is not the root of these books. As much as I love a good romance, this book has a taste of that, but it is not the sole interest. The main theme is the District's rebellion against the Capitol, which Katniss becomes the face of.

    As the "Mockingjay" of the rebellion, Katniss finds herself trying to encourage the other Districts to join her fight against Capitol rule. It means a lot of strategic planning and face-time in front of cameras to get her message out. Katniss suddenly finds herself as a soldier in a war. Katniss make sacrifices and struggles daily. She realizes others are dying for her cause, but that she also has to be strong to lead the rest for the good of the Districts. Keep in mind, she is only 17 years old. All of this responsibility on her shoulders makes for a trying and emotional journey. Not to mention adventurous as the Districts and Capitol's turmoil comes to a head. As to not ruin the rest of the trilogy, this review will stay short. Read these books with the understanding that it is not a romance. This is not the Twilight series. Enjoy the ride of reading 3 books that have a strong and determined young, unselfish, female character who faces challenges along the way. You will enjoy it even more with this mentality.

     As I said in the other two, I love the band of characters in this series. Katniss Everdeen is a fantastic female heroine who fights for the right reasons and the good of others. Her strength and intelligence was impressive throughout the entire series. The other supporting characters are vital to the story as they help to develop and contribute to Katniss's story. Collins is a fantastic writer who should be applauded for this series. I have recommended the book to all ages and genders. All have exclaimed how much they enjoyed it and could not put the series down. Who can say no to books like that?

Rating: 4 out of 5

Up Next: Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me by Chelsea Handler