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Monday, August 8, 2011

A Bend in the Road

by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks is an author my mom introduced me to in high school. Being an impressionable romantic I absolutely loved his books. I was captivated by The Notebook, closely followed by A Walk to Remember. I absolutely adored them both and they were such page turners. As I opened up this book I was hoping it would turn out the same.

A Bend in the Road has the typical Nicholas Sparks formula: love and tragedy. It follows the story of Miles Ryan, a deputy sheriff, who lost his wife Missy to a car accident. Miles falls in love with his son’s teacher, Sarah Andrews, his first possible love interest since the accident. Sarah is recovering from a terrible divorce. Miles constant obsession with finding the driver that killed his wife, threatens to dissolve this romance, as does a looming secret.

This book, similar to a winding road, has many twists and turns. The constants are the characters-you will enjoy them and root for Sarah and Mile’s love. Sparks tends to always make the subject of family a part of his writing. Whether it is a close family or a family that does not get along, he makes it an interesting part of his books. This book is no different.   I found Jonah, the son, endearing and really relished the moments when Miles and Jonah were the subject of certain chapters. Nicholas Sparks does a commendable job in making readers care for his characters.

While this book had many decent attributes, it had a few things I did not like as well. This book is very much a “beach read”. I consider a “beach read” to be anything that doesn’t involve a ton of thinking and is a book that will pass the time easily and with a smile on my face.  Keeping this in mind, pick this book to be exactly that. Don’t anticipate a book that keeps you guessing or keeps you trying to remember facts from college. This book is a bit predictable and I often found myself rushing through passages because I knew what would happen. There were a few unpredictable moments but not many.

I would recommend this book as a fast read. Something not to spend too much money on and something to help you distract yourself from a 3 hour plane ride or road trip.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Coming Soon: Men of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong

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